Hello Vildar
I for one have been playing LOTRO since closed beta, and am thrilled with it. If you can remember what kind of hard core purist I was in the old days than maybe this comes as somewhat of a surprise, but know two things: I've softened up a bit, and LOTRO is truly a great game.
They've changed things (which is unfortunate) and added things (which is necessary), but they've done so with the utmost respect to the Lore, as they refer to it, to the books. And this is the very first MMORPG I've played where I can honestly say that the storyline is deeply engaging.
I was actually wondering who else from the old days is playing LOTRO. I'd love to hook up in a fellowship and play with my old friends.
---"Randy", Ranadwelt, Falmon, Falmaion, Dylan